The aim of ESF is to contribute to the improvement of living conditions in some developing areas of the planet and to carry out humanitarian action in situations of health emergency or natural catastrophe in the whole world.
ESF is made up mainly of volunteers and works together with its French sister Electriciens sans frontières, which has been working since 1986 and the German Elektriker ohne Grenzen, active since 2012, to bring continuous safe electricity which respects the environment and allow access to water to the poorest populations on the plant, with the support of companies of the electrical sector.

In 2014 the UN set up “Sustainable Energy for All” with the aim of supplying electricity to the whole world by 2030.

Something must be done when faced with these dramatic data. The duty of solidarity which workers in the electrical sector have developed during their professional life requires – now more than ever – a commitment to act to bring sustainable, safe and reasonably priced solutions where today there is still no access to electricity.
ESF volunteers will commit themselves to these aims, putting all their experience and qualified skills at the service of the community. If electricity is an indispensable lever for development, it is even more vital in situations of humanitarian emergency and when natural catastrophes occur: dramas which affect the whole planet, without distinction.
In these cases, ESF has the ability to cooperate with other associations and with local communities, to identify action priorities quickly; restoring power lines quickly means helping aid, making basic housing more comfortable and allowing the operation of health facilities.
ESF will collaborate actively internationally, uniting its forces with those of other solidarity organisations contributing to humanitarian actions and training programmes for the most underprivileged populations.