ESF Italy, an association which helps to improve conditions of life through actions of solidarity allowing access to electricity and water, has set up a collaboration with the Hope and Charity Mission to construct a photovoltaic plant to be installed on various pitches of the complex roofs. It is the first project which ESF has set up in Italy through the contribution of qualified suppliers such as Enel Green Power for the donation of photovoltaic panels and the Prysmian Group for the donation of electric cables.
As the Association President Felice Egidi says: “We are proud to give our help and make our experience available to the Mission through the competences and professional skills of our volunteers. The construction work will begin soon. Once completed, electricity will be produced to supply the community's electricity needs, in particular for the kitchen, oven, laundry and craft workshops. This will be an important support for the Mission, given the high costs of the energy supply, which considerably affect the management of the activities of the community, which welcomes women and men living on the street in poverty and refugees from Africa and Asia”.
To contribute and give light and heat to the last Brothers of the Citadel of the Poor and of Hope, just make a donation to the Hope and Charity Mission:
Postal CC 17378902
IBAN IT93D0200804694000300
Purpose: Impianto fotovoltaico 338107 Cittadella del Povero e della Speranza (Photovoltaic plant 338107 Citadel of the Poor and of Hope)
We should like to thank Marta Leggio for her collaboration.