We are pleased to announce that the mission at the health center of Nchiru, in the Meru's region in Kenya, has recently been completed and the commissioning of the electric plant is operational and online.
The mission, managed by the "Associazione Italiana Nomadi dell’Amore" (AINA) of Rome, installed a new 5 kW solar system with battery storage with a capacity of 38 KWh, necessary for the strengthening of the electrical system of the village's areas where HIV-positive children live and are assisted.
Furthermore, with the replacement of 145 old-generation lighting fixtures with new LED fixtures, it is estimated that the operating costs of the village are reduced by about 30%.
The system is already functioning and allows the entire village to be autonomous in terms of energy, giving the advantage of total sustainability and better quality of life both for large structures as well as for private accommodation.
Thanks again to SolarEdge who carried out the work and to all the people who successfully completed the operations in the field.
To this regard Felice Egidi, the President of "Elettrici senza Frontiere", declared:
This mission is important for the support provided to the Nchiru center in Kenya for energy self-sufficiency as part of the "Res4Covid" project, and renewable sources in support of the populations affected by COVID-19, carried out in coordination with the Res4Africa Foundation, the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' and the sustainability of Enel Green Power, played an even more fundamental role for us of the “Elettrici senza Frontiere” team.
We thought a lot during the first lockdown of this year and, taking note of the movement block with the countries, we applied the concept of "smart working" to this mission developing it with the collaboration of local Kenyan companies specializing in solar photovoltaics.
We can say that the result was truly extraordinary, because it was activated by synergistic teamwork that allowed us and the local partners to learn a lot from each other and the local partner to move around the territory with their own autonomy to implement the installation phase, always with our direct remote support.
This is precisely the meaning of the message I want to broadcast: today we are limited in our lives, in our mobility, in our social and professional relationships due to the COVID-19 virus, but this must not interrupt our enthusiasm and our desire to do and continue to offer support to populations in need.
This commitment for us has never stopped, and the result in Kenya in Nchiru shows that when you strongly believe in something you can always achieve it.
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